Wednesday 13 May 2015

Fun, exciting and happy times

Yes this has been a great week. My friend Jessica and I went on a road trip on Monday to a quilt store that was having a 50% off sale. As I mentioned in my last blog entry, I took a list and got only that on my list. That was a first for me!! Always great to catch up with Pat at the store where I had a dream job for awhile before I had to move away!
Hills and Valleys
Tuesday was a day of sewing and catching up around the house. I finished this curved pieced quilt. However not without some difficulty. I followed the instructions only to find out when sewing the rows together that it wasn't working. I put it away on Monday night and tried again on Tuesday. It would appear that there is an error in the directions. It is only a matter of 1/4" but it made sewing the rows together impossible. So a few corrections were made and VOILA it worked. I have emailed the magazine people and I am waiting for an answer back. Good thing I had enough fabric to be able to correct the mistake. Now with the wrong sized pieces I was able to complete a small lap quilt 3 feet square.( will be good for a wheelchair patient)
Tuesday I also learned my summons for jury duty was cancelled...that made my day!!! Also now I am able to go on a quilt retreat with some friends for a weekend.
Love in the Cabin
Today I sewed together these blocks I received from the stash of a quilter who had passed away. Actually the curved pieced fabric was from her too! I have none of the fabrics in the log cabin blocks but want to make this bigger so I will have to do some "stash searching" and see what I come up with. But before adding anything I can see that I will have to do some "unsewing"(upper left corner is wrong) oops just noticed it in this pic!! :(  Well at least it is on the outside row!!
Well tomorrow is another day. One that will find me doing groceries if we want to eat and maybe one or both of these will get pin basted in prep for quilting by machine!
We are on the downhill to the weekend, enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that we only seem to notice our mistakes when we look at a photo of our quilts, never "in real life"? ;-)


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...